Martinez’s Scholarship Strives to Break Poverty Cycle

With a goal of breaking the cycle of poverty, financial self sufficiency, and graduation with a four-year college degree, the Boston Scholarship will provide sufficient funds for one eligible student to attend UMass Boston for 4 consecutive years for the school term commencing in September 2011.

This is the vision of Matthew Martinez.  After witnessing first-hand how families on Section 8 vouchers found themselves in a cycle of poverty that could not be broken, Martinez, a Boston-area property owner, decided to do something about it.

He created a scholarship that supports single parents on Section 8 vouchers who are determined to obtain a college degree so they may improve their earning capacity and their family’s long-term economic stability.

The scholarship is the result of a partnership between Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership, The University of Massachusetts Boston, and Beacon Hill Property Group, owned and operated by Martinez.

Applicants must meet certain criteria, including being a member of the Family Self-Sufficiency Program.  Once awarded, the scholar will work with an Advisor from MBHP to establish goals, responsibilities, timelines and a specific plan of action.

Unfortunately, the number of applicants far exceed the capital currently raised for this initiative. Private donations are being sought to meet the overwhelming demand for this groundbreaking scholarship opportunity. The Boston Celtics will award 4 of the President’s seats (a value of $2,000) to the individual or organization that donates the most to this endeavor.

If you are interested in making a donation, please contact Martinez at 617-448-5550 or  Or, simply mail your donation to:
University of Massachusetts Boston 100 Morrissey Blvd Boston, MA 02125-3393 Attn: Kelly A. McLaughlin, Coordinator for Merit-Based Scholarships
For: The Boston Scholarship

For more information, see The Boston Scholarship (PDF).