Boston Open Houses

Rather than doing a Featured Open House this week (which we typically run every Sunday morning), what we wanted to do was highlight the use of Boston Homes Newspaper as a valuable tool in working your way through Boston open houses over the weekend.

As you know, open houses are a great way to see a lot of property first hand, in a short amount of time. There are hundreds of open houses that take place each week in Boston (there are 150+ Boston open houses downtown today alone), the majority of which are on Sunday, and a Boston Homes Newspaper (which is published  on Saturday) is one of the best resources to have in your hand for that. It’s becoming an online world, but having a hard copy of the newspaper in your hand is a good idea for navigating the streets of Boston.

The Boston Homes Newspaper provides a listing of all of the open houses and their times, and breaks it down in easy to follow neighborhood maps. If you cannot get your hands on a paper copy (delivered to certain neighborhoods door to door for free on Saturdays), you can go to this ‘Find Boston Condos’ webpage, and then click on the ‘Boston Homes website’ link in bullet 2, in order to view the current online version.

Keep in mind that the paper is published each Saturday, so every Saturday you can visit the website for updated open house listings.