Tax-Free Shopping Weekend in Boston

If you don’t keep up with the Massachusetts Department of Revenue website, let this be your indication that it is tax-free weekend in Massachusetts!

On the weekend of August 12-13, 2007, Massachusetts will hold a “tax free holiday weekend,” where customers can avoid the 5 percent Massachusetts sales tax while shopping for some goods. Here are some general guidelines:

  • The Massachusetts 5 percent sales tax will be waived for most goods that cost $2,500 or less.
  • The sales tax is exempt for tangible personal property bought for personal use only.
  • Motor vehicles, Meals, gas, and tobacco products remain taxable.
  • Airline tickets and sporting events are considered services, and thus remain taxable.
  • Bundled goods — such as computer packages that include computer, monitor, and printer — only qualify for the tax exemption if the price of the entire bundle is less than $2,500.
  • Prior sales and layaway items do not qualify.
  • If an article of clothing exceeds $2,500, you receive a $175 deduction on the sales tax. For example, if you buy a dress for $3,000, you pay sales tax on $2,825.
  • For coupon items, the sales tax applies only if the post-deduction amount is more than $2,500. For coupons applied to total purchases, the discount is pro-rated for each item sold.
  • Internet orders paid for Aug. 12-13 are exempt.

You gotta love tax-free weekend in Boston. Boston Real Estate is always tax-free – this weekend, and every weekend, you can purchase a Boston Condo tax-free 🙂 Contact us for more details.