Second Phase for Modern South End?

With all the buzz about the Modern South End auction (see Modern South End Auction), the thought of a second phase of loft-style condos adjacent to the current development site has been tabled as a topic of popular conversation. The official situation is that no record of a potential second phase currently exists in the Boston Redevelopment Authority’s records.

The unofficial word is that there are still rumors that the second phase will eventually happen, which would be a great addition to the neighborhood. One of the underlying goals of building a development like the Modern South End at the far western border of the South End (some may, and do, even say Roxbury), was to take a bold step forward in enriching the architectural landscape and residential options in a part of the city that has not seen a tremendous amount of such development happen. Will the trend continue? We think the answer is yes. At its core, this is a function of supply and demand, and space limitations that are the standard in major metropolitan areas. Simply put, there is little to no undeveloped land remaining in the core of the city, demand to live in downtown Boston (or any major city for that matter) remains high, and thus, we’ll continue to see further development and gentrification of the area surrounding the Modern South End building.

Are there immediate plans to move forward with a second phase of the Modern South End? The blank slate is there and available based on the below exclusive photos of the cleared land to the immediate north of the current Modern building. Time will tell.

modern-south-end-1 modern-south-end-2


  1. Part of the location problem is the building faces the side of a factory, one side has an above ground garage and the other side is a gas staion. Not the nicest street at this time nor after phase II