Real Estate Goal Setting

Create and Achieve Your Real Estate Goals!

A new year presents an ideal opportunity for reflection and goal setting. The purchase or sale of a new home may also be your goal this year. Maybe your goal includes an improvement to your health routine. Whether the goal is large or small, creating it can create change in your life. Any change can be challenging, but a new year provides an impetus to create a fresh start.

Maybe your goal setting revolves around real estate, launching a home-based business or finishing a home remodeling project. Regardless, a few simple steps can guide you to making it a reality and bring you closer to realizing your dream. Achieving success at each of the steps requires that you acknowledge each step and take pride in your progress, as well. Enlist someone to act as your Goal Partner and keep them involved as you work through each of the steps.

Step 1: Set Your Goal

Write down the details of your dream. The goal that you’d love to achieve but feel is beyond your reach. Use a pen and paper and find a peaceful place where you can brainstorm freely. From these notes, create your list and start to jot down an action plan. Put your list away for three to seven days and then re-evaluate what you’ve written. Share your goal with your Goal Partner.

Step 2: Discover Any Potential Stumbling Blocks & What You Need To Succeed

Listing the potential problems and issues that may interfere with the completion of your goals can help diminish them. Their significance will lessen as you quantify them.

List the key products, people, educational steps, and processes that can help you reach your goals. Having a tangible list brings your knowledge base much closer. You can even include contact information or specific statistics that may benefit you in reaching your goal.

Step 3: Set Mini-Steps In Writing & Define An End Date

Break each goal into a series of small goals that will direct you to your dream goal. Set an end date for each goal to be achieved. Make it far enough away to give time for it to be possible, but close enough to make it relevant. Write the date next to each goal on your final list, culminating with your dream goal and subsequent date.

Step 4: Review Your Goal Often and Update Your Goal Partner Regularly

Add reminders to your email account or calendaring program. Determine how often you need to be held accountable (weekly, monthly, quarterly) and check in with your Goal Partner on a regular basis.

Step 5: Enjoy Your Success

Celebrate your small success and your large ones, together!

About the author: Real Estate Journalist Jennifer M. Miller writes on housing, home organization, and finances.