Overall Boston Property Taxes Up in 2010

Property tax rates in Boston reversed their downward trend for fiscal year 2010, moving from a 2009 tax rate of $10.63 per $1,000 of assessed value, up to $11.88 per $1,000 of assessed value.

On the whole, assessed values have remained either stable or decreased slightly in many neighborhoods, but with the approximate 12% increase in the tax rate, many homeowners will face larger property tax bills during fiscal year 2010.

Residents who maintain their Boston home as a primary residence will continue to qualify for a residential exemption.  The fiscal year 2010 residential exemption subtracts $125,090 from a property’s assessed value, saving qualified homeowners $1,486.07 on their tax bill.

For an example of how to calculate taxes for your condo, as well as a historical look at tax rates in Boston, visit our newly updated Boston property taxes article.


  1. […] dramatic is in the skyhigh cost of property tax. Boston's is by comparison, ridiculously low. 2010 Boston Property Taxes Increase Given the above described formula, a $250K property would owe $1485. My property at the time was […]